Jacqueline Purcell CEO Jasper Alliance London. Fellow Higher Education Academy U.K.
Prevention/Intervention/Prevention/ Intervention Management and Message
Dissemination Specialist
Especially in times of uncertainty, we explore Prevention/Intervention strategies and mindsets; we consider how such forward thinking prevention may assist us to overcome or solve problems before they happen. An intervention involves taking more deliberate steps to increase for example, safety and security. Prevention and intervention are important, both are essential skills, particularly if we are working in the helping sector or serving in communications strategy professions. Calling this continual process of: Prevention, Intervention, Prevention, Intervention (PIPI) highlights that intervention and prevention are iterative processes. You just keep doing them to stay on top of things. Let’s examine some Prevention/Intervention strategies and learn how it goes from ‘instinct’ or ‘what if’, to thinking more deeply, followed by active planning to develop the mindset. Prevention could be like leaving work on time and walking swiftly, hoping to catch the train on time and intervention is when one actively ensures that they will be there on time, no matter what! We will consider PIPI and action management and the use of relationship and stakeholder dynamics. We understand that there is:
– need for humans to have stable trustworthy data that contains Prevention/Intervention
strategies and actions to focus on in times of uncertainty
– a key role for message dissemination specialists, communications professionals, and the use of public relations techniques to highlight Prevention/Intervention action endeavours
– encouragement is needed to enter and win PIPI awards and that these stories must be led by communications management and public relations techniques to achieve recognition for Prevention/Intervention achievements.
Case Study Link: bit.ly/CaseStudyPreventionInterventionPIPI
Stable Data in Times of Uncertainty:
The identification of significant trustworthy global policies, from credible sources, give us a
stable datum or at least a general ‘trajectory’ in times of uncertainty. Certainty can settle us
during tumultuous times. There are many theories focusing on ‘unknowns’, and an increasing need to build a focus on ‘knowns’ based on proven science. From that safe point of what is ideal, we can deploy Prevention/Intervention strategies as needed during the time of uncertainty. Good leaders will play a part in carrying these PIPI strategies further. If it is evident that we all like to solve a problem but good PIPI planning stops the problem from happening at all. Prevention requires considerable forward thinking, and the planning of many possibilities or scenarios that may need to be overcome. Notable scholars have established, as have case studies, that prevention is not viewed as important or given the same credence or panache as solving an immediate problem.
Why? Prevention is significant as a necessary mindset to off-set negatives from ever gaining a foothold. In the UK, well established, and clearly disseminated Health and Safety policies give clear direction about ‘prevention being better than cure’. For example: in educational establishments, regular weekly fire drills ensure safe and swift evacuation and no panic. If there is a real fire, the well-rehearsed pattern kicks in and lives are saved. The world needs ‘skilled helpers’ who are human. But we see that Health and Safety policies can also be ‘skilled helpers’. Clear policies, using PIPI processes are essential. Prevention is generally followed by an intervention and that intervention can be dissemination of messages that give clear direction of how to prevent and policies are then formed. Consider the preventions that saves lives, stop drug addiction, prevent homelessness or lack of education. Almost always PIPI has an educational or common-sense process of how to prevent something bad from happening. Encouraging that some effective tried and tested intervention be known, accepted, understood, and acted upon, is what will make a difference in how we withstand future changes.
United Nations SDG’s.
Commonwealth Charter.
Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
It’s good common sense and financially prudent to have prevention strategies embedded into thinking. The field of Human Resources brings us clear example of the loss and cost of having a high turnover of staff vs the steady profit from a well training and well-connected team who have gained experience. Companies and organisations are wiser now to the need for not having to hire and fire or constantly deal with ‘staff issues. Training staff has become a regular ‘Prevention/Intervention process and strategy to stabilise the workforce and keep them onboard.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are themselves an attempt to put forward 17 identified areas of need and to encourage their adoption. The Commonwealth Charter and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, likewise, point at ways of identifying prevention thinking and thus… these goals are themselves, a significant intervention especially if they are disseminated and adopted by many. This can lead to the necessary ‘critical mass’ of believers which is ideal.
In times of uncertainty, we focus on such stable data and policies to make decisions for clear thinking and positive Intervention/Prevention results follow.
The Need for Rewards:
Consider reward mechanisms and the ongoing role of communications management and public relations techniques to achieve recognition for Prevention/Intervention achievements.
One of the issues with prevention/intervention is the lack of a reward mechanism. Let’s look at this from an individual perspective and then on a wider level.
Something maybe that gave a measure of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
The citizen who is actively engaged in prevention is not necessarily rewarded or acknowledged. Some say that the internal feeling of happiness at the contribution or intrinsic motivation is all they need, and they don’t necessarily require an external source of recognition or extrinsic motivation. Perhaps it would be good to examine other sources of ways to motivate positive behaviour (instead of only penalising bad behaviour). Something that gives a measure of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. How about, as some towns have done, rewarding the fewest or no road traffic accidents per month?
Case Study Link: bit.ly/CaseStudyPreventionInterventionPIPI
Recognition for Prevention and intervention strategies
Organisations doing good work in the world through Corporate Social Responsibility or organisational philanthropy may win awards which help to improve partnerships, relationships, and stakeholders’ opportunities. Depending on the quality and reach of the award, winning can make big news headlines and create impacts that increases brand reputation and image. Positive headlines or feature articles can have an economic benefit and often more profits follow. At best, it gets one ahead of competitors because the achievement is recognised and rewarded by others. But once the media hoopla and publicity die down, more activity is needed to maintain the advantage, win again, and move ahead. The role of communications professionals, the public relations specialists are to ensure that their clients, organisations, or corporations are recognised for their PIPI strategies. The story about how organisations overcame, achieved success and how they measured their impact becomes an opportunity for recognition. Entering or winning alike, their actions allow them to join the ranks of those who add additional value to the world, prevent future harm and to contribute to generally make things better.
Increasingly, some corporates and organisations seek to do their PIPI projects quietly and under the radar of media. Their communication lines can get congested with many requests for help and donations. Having to say ‘no’ is difficult. Publicity often means that they will be approached outside of their area of focus to help multitudes of causes not aligned with their purpose or products
Often prevention strategies and support for corporates and organisations are being done
quietly without media fanfare. Many organisations and individuals want to be out of the spotlight completely, while they give support without drawing too much attention to themselves.
We have heard of wealthy individual philanthropists giving via other parties to ‘hide and yet help’, in secret. This is commendable and if they are not already, they should also be giving towards those who can also send the PIPI messages further – the communications specialists who disseminate the message to achieve awareness and critical mass for PIPI.
PIPI is a top priority with 8.6 billion humans to think about, and the wider environment that affects the fragile cycle of life for all. Indeed, nature shows through the adaptation of trees who have un-tasty leaves, that PIPI strategies are embedded in flora, fauna, wildlife, sea life et al, and that every process, even down to camouflage by insects to avoid predators, shows that PIPI is in place deeply at a cellular and intellectual level that we cannot fully comprehend except to say it’s all driven by ‘survival of the species. Nature often does PIPI very well.
We will all be impacted for negative or positive depending on the uptake of PIPI messages concerning the need to clean our planet. These messages encourage us to improve our understanding and change our ways; to continue in small and many ways, to be part of the iterative PIPI process that will bring out the best. It’s going to take mass consciousness and action from individuals and organisations to achieve consensus, crucial changes, and critical mass.
For further information on Accredited Prevention/Intervention/Prevention/Intervention (PIPI)
Strategies and Training.
Contact: purcell@jasperalliancelondon.com
Case Study Link: bit.ly/CaseStudyPreventionInterventionPIPI
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