“As a leader of the communication industry, how do you view green communication, green responsibility and what would be the role of the public relations industry in green communication processes that rely on ESG?”
“When the spring dries up, only then do we know the value of water” – Benjamin Franklin
The future belongs to the green transition, especially in the conditions of increasingly pronounced consequences of climate change. That is why the advantages of green development, social responsibility and conscientious corporate management with the aim of preserving the environment (ESG) must be constantly pointed out. Communication is very important not only for informing the interested public but also for education, which can play an important role and point out the importance of processes aimed at sustainable development. Therefore, it is important to use every opportunity, the media, as well as all the advantages of social networks, to organize educational workshops for school-aged children, as well as expert meetings and conferences on the topic of green development. In this sense, I think it is strategically very important to give greater freedom to communication experts and assign them a management function, which, unfortunately, is still missing in our region.
It is good, however, that the business community, to a good extent here as well, finally realized that, in addition to economic benefits and profits, attention should also be focused on creating strategies that would include ESG standards in order to preserve nature and the environment. I must say that I work in the Corporate Communications Department of a company that is well aware of all these challenges and that is determined to base its production portfolio on the production of green energy in the future, through the dynamic development of renewable energy sources, aimed at building solar, wind and hydropower capacities. Such a responsible approach has recently promoted Elektroprivreda Montenegro as a regional ESG leader in the selection of the International Economic Forum Perspektive and the Promo Global Company from Zagreb.
Mitar Vučković, Head of Sector for Internal Communications at Elektroprivreda Crne Gore